Audit and Assurance
“Where are we?” It is a common question asked by business leaders, but the answer is not always so clear. The integrity of your financial information, whether they be financial statements, government filings, or pension funds, needs an objective observer dedicated to providing a fair and honest assessment of your position. The Audit and Assurance department at Davidson, Doyle & Hilton can assist you with key compliance issues as well as uncover new opportunities to fine tune your business practices. Your bottom line is attributable to a variety of factors including management, operations, accounting methods, and external changes. Our professional audit team looks at every angle to deliver a comprehensive and detailed analysis of your where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
401(k) & 403(b) Audit Experts Nationwide
Our audit team is comprised of some of the most qualified and skilled professionals in the industry. We can guarantee that all audits will be handled with care and confidentiality.
When you need advice, our staff will always be available to provide you with quality consultation. We feel it is our duty to keep clients informed about industry-wide issues affecting pension governance and compliance.
Because communication and response time are key to providing you with fast quality service, we utilize the latest online technologies to minimize the time spent delivering data.
In short, you will be provided unparalleled service at a price that competitors simply can't match.
We know our firm will be the right choice for you.
If you are interested in a free consultation please call us at 1-888-433-2202 and ask for one of our partners Lyons Davidson, Peter Doyle, Nathan Hilton, Amy Gallagher, or Jordan Buckner, or complete our 401k | 403b Audit Quote form.
Develop a more thorough understanding of your financial picture and plan for the future with the help of our experienced professionals. Our corporate audit and assurance services can review financial details, assess risk, analyze operations, and verify the integrity of your business information. Audits are not just about “getting it done”; they are about uncovering your true potential.
All businesses must operate within certain regulatory guidelines, but your compliance efforts should not be a wasted expense. An objective third party can help discover ways to cut costs, improve efficiency, and assure your decisions are based on sound and timely information. The credibility of your records also provides external stakeholders with increased confidence in your likelihood of future success. We provide a wide variety of formal and informal corporate services to review information and diagnose problem areas. Our corporate audit and assurance team firmly believes audits are not just about “getting it done”; they are about uncovering your true potential.
Compilation and review
Risk Management (including SAS 70)
Financial Statement Audits
SEC Reporting and compliance (including Sarbanes Oxley)
Forecasts and projections
Internal control analysis
Not For Profits
The unique demands of Not-for-profit organizations require specialized assistance from audit professionals. They often work with very limited budgets and have to comply with special requirements to maintain their nonprofit status and attract future capital. Our experts understand the needs of these organizations and their goals to achieve internal success and promote the greater good. We help not-for-profit clients meet various regulatory challenges while continuing to grow and fine tune operations. We offer audit and assurance services to institutions of higher education, private schools, museums, foundations, social and human services organizations, industry and trade associations, and religious organizations.
Honest and reliable information ensures the survival of nonprofit organizations. Our not-for-profit services can help verify donations and charitable work, establishing your business as an upstanding organization with future earning potential.
Financial Statement Audits
Forecasts and projections
OMB Circular A-133 compliance
Compilation and review
Applications for non-profit status with the IRS
The Single Audit Act of 1984 and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 set standards to insure consistency among agencies that audit the expenditure of federal funds by non-federal entities. The Office of Management and Budget publishes OMB Circular A-133 and its supplements to assist auditors in meeting federal standards.
Not-for-profit organizations operate under unique conditions with unique demands. They often work with very limited budgets and have to comply with special requirements to maintain their not-for-profit status.
Employee Benefit Plans
Avoid costly errors, reduce risk, and improve your ability to attract high-quality employees with our employee benefit plan audit services.
Our firm specializes in convenient and timely audits of employee benefit plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) under regulation by the U.S. Department of Labor. Our benefit plan specialists have experience with the creation, administration, and audit of a wide variety of plans for companies of all sizes. A thorough review of benefit plan details can minimize risk exposure and make certain your employees receive the compensation they deserve. Our professionals are dedicated to helping you leverage your audit expenses to comply with government requirements and gain a competitive edge in the labor market. Their in-depth knowledge can provide your company with a solid benefits package that will attract and retain a high-quality workforce for years to come.
Defined benefit plans
Defined contribution plans
Profit sharing plans
Employee stock option plans (ESOP)
401(K) plans
403(B) plans
Health & Welfare Plans